Thursday, May 18, 2017

A Guide tо thе D Vitamin

A Guide tо thе D Vitamin

Thе D vitamin іѕ thе оnlу vitamin thаt іѕ nоt obtained frоm foods thаt аrе consumed. Instead, thе D vitamin іѕ асtuаllу obtained bу sunlight оn thе skin. Thеrе hаѕ bееn а lot оf media coverage аbоut thе dangers оf gеttіng tоо muсh sun but іt іѕ essential thаt thе skin іѕ exposed tо sunlight tо obtain thе recommended daily allowance оf thе D vitamin.

In reality, thе amount оf time thаt а person hаѕ tо spend іn thе sun tо receive а sufficient dose оf thе D vitamin іѕ extremely small аnd јuѕt а fеw minutes а day wіll bе sufficient аnd nоt hаvе аnу adverse effects frоm thе amount оf ultra-violet light received. Thе mоѕt important function оf thе D vitamin іѕ tо hеlр control hоw muсh calcium іѕ absorbed frоm food. Thе majority оf thе calcium іѕ uѕеd tо build strong teeth аnd bones but іt іѕ аlѕо needed tо send messages аlоng thе nerves аnd tо hеlр muscles, ѕuсh аѕ thе heart muscles, tо contract. It іѕ thе D vitamin thаt ensures thаt thеrе іѕ аlwауѕ sufficient calcium іn thе blood tо perform thеѕе tasks. Othеr functions thаt require thе D vitamin relate tо thе immune system аnd іt іѕ believed thаt іt іѕ аlѕо а contributing factor іn reducing thе risk оf contracting cancer and, іn particular, colon cancer. Thе variant оf thе D vitamin thаt іѕ formed undеr thе skin іѕ knоwn аѕ vitamin D3, оr cholecalciferol. Thіѕ D vitamin іѕ created whеn thе ultraviolet іn thе sunlight reacts wіth а type оf cholesterol thаt іѕ fоund undеr thе skin naturally. Thе D3 іѕ converted іntо а mоrе active form оf thе d vitamin іn thе liver аnd іѕ thеn diverted tо whеrе іt іѕ needed thе most. Sоmе оf thе D vitamin remains іn thе liver аnd kidneys tо hеlр reabsorb thе calcium frоm thе blood. Thе rest оf thе D vitamin іѕ dispersed tо thе bones tо hеlр thеm retain thеіr calcium аnd thе intestines tо aid absorption оf calcium frоm food. Evеn thоugh thе majority оf thе D vitamin іѕ formed thrоugh thе exposure оf thе skin tо sunlight thеrе аrе ѕоmе foods thаt dо соntаіn ѕоmе оf thе vitamin naturally. Thіѕ form оf thе D vitamin іѕ knоwn аѕ vitamin D2, оr ergocalciferol. Thіѕ іѕ uѕеd іn thе ѕаmе wау аѕ thе оthеr D vitamins аnd іѕ thе type uѕеd tо create thе majority оf D vitamin supplements.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer's is not a contagious disease, but a collection of symptoms due to brain cell deaths at about the same time, so the brain appears to shrivel and shrink. Alzheimer's is identical as a disease that affects the elderly. The risk of developing Alzheimer's increases with age. Generally a person can be exposed to Alzheimer's from the age of 60 years.

Initial symptoms Alzheimer's is easy to forget for things that are often done and new things, especially disorientation problems of time and difficulties in complex cognitive functions such as mathematics or organizational activities. The first time to determine the presence of dementia / senility need to be confirmed by a neuropsychological test. Symptoms include memory and cognitive impairment. Severe Alzheimer's has a history of progressive loss of memory to interfere with daily activities, disorienting places and people (eg age), as well as time. And have a problem in self care (eg forgot to change clothes). Changes in behavior such as depression, paranoia, or aggressive.

People with a family history of Alzheimer's have a risk of developing Alzheimer's and the risk is increased if both parents suffer from Alzheimer's. People with Down syndrome also have a risk for Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's risk factors include serious head trauma, aging, postmenopause, estrogen deficiency, family history with ApoE positive genotypes, elevated serum homocysteine, etc. Meanwhile, factors that may decrease the likelihood of this disease are Estrogen Replacement Therapy early in the menopause, anti-inflammatory drug (including nonsteroid agent), antioxidant, and statin use.

Until now, Alzheimer's can not be cured completely, but there are some drugs that can reduce symptoms and inhibit the development of this disease, including levodopa, antidepressant drugs, anticemas, antipsychotics, and others.

Alzheimer's disease is a condition in which some of the cells in the brain are not functioning. As a result the ability of the brain decreased dramatically.

In the early phase, people with Alzheimer's usually often lose short-term memory. For example, forgot or can not remember the events that just happened. In addition, the sufferer also often forgets the name of the place or objects that are often used.

Patients with Alzheimer's disease will experience a severe decline in intellectual function. This will cause disruption to the daily activities and social life of patients.

Alzheimer's disease occurs chronically and can not heal normally. Until now, there is no drug that can cure people with Alzheimer's disease 100%.

The risk of Alzheimer's disease will increase with age. In general, this disease appears over the age of 65 years and more often attacks the women.


Some of the complications that can appear in people with Alzheimer's disease are:

Reluctant to perform normal activities
Changes in attitude and perliaku
Changes in sleep patterns
Difficult to communicate
Withdraw from family and environment
Determination of diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, can be done through interviews and some examination. The doctor will conduct an examination to assess the ability to remember, changes in attitude, the degree of memory disturbances that occur, to the cause of the complaint.

To assess the mental health of a sufferer, it may be checked by MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination). Additional possible checks such as blood examination, MRI examination, CT-scan.

Early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include:

Easy to forget, even for things that are often done or new things done.
Sufferers often experience disorientation, especially for time.
Difficulties in complex cognitive functions, such as math or organizational activity.
If this condition continues, several complaints that may arise are:

Confusion and disorientation
Changes in attitude for example become more aggressive or become more suspicious
Hallucinations or delusions
Problems in talking
Difficult to do action without any help
Therapy for Alzheimer's disease concerns several aspects, such as:

Use of drugs. The drug classes commonly used for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease are cholinesterase inhibitors (eg Donepezil), Memantine, antidepressants, to anti-anxiety medications and insomnia.

Environmental therapy In this case concerning how to make people with Alzheimer's feel more comfortable. For example by putting important things in life (wallet, key) in the same place every day. Also make sure Alzheimer's patients carry mobile phones wherever they travel.

Regular medical examination.

Lifestyle changes. Perform regular exercise and increase the daily nutrition intake of patients. Some vitamins that can help Alzheimer's disease are Omega-3, curcumin, ginkgo, and vitamin E.

Some things you can do to prevent Alzheimers disease are:

Quit smoking
Avoid alcohol consumption in large quantities
Consumption of high nutritious foods (containing vegetables and fruit)
Exercise at least 150 minutes a week
Perform routine checks to the doctor
Activate your brain by reading, writing, learning language, playing a musical instrument, playing tennis, swimming and walking.
Until now there is no known exact cause of Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, there are several risk factors for the emergence of this disease, namely:

Increased age
Family history of Alzheimer's
History of head injury
Lifestyle-related risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Facts About Alzheimer's

The general presumption that senility is commonplace in old age, tends to make people forget to understand the prevention efforts. In fact, early detection is important for people with dementia in order not to lose its productivity.

In fact, every three seconds a person in the world develops dementia. Dementia is actually a term for a set of symptoms where there is a decrease in memory, thinking patterns and the ability to logic, as well as the ability to interact socially. People know dementia as senile. The causes are very diverse, some can be cured and some are not. However, most cases are caused by Alzheimer's disease, tends to worsen over time.

The Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) report states that by 2015, there are 46.8 million people with dementia. This number will increase to double every 20 years.

Should ADHD Children Do a Special Diet

ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) is a complex condition in which the child can not concentrate and behave hyperactively. Children with ADHD will be difficult to concentrate and can not calm down.
Treatment of children with ADHD is not enough with medication alone. Special diets by applying a specific dietary intake are needed to help a child with ADHD:

Should ADHD Children Do a Special Diet

High Protein Diet

A high-protein diet helps the child concentrate. It also makes the ADHD medication work longer. Therefore, give children processed foods rich in protein such as eggs, meats, cheeses and nuts.

You can prepare them for school and snack when your child comes home. Exercise as creative as possible so that children do not get bored.

Add complex carbohydrates

Foods that have simple carbohydrates such as candy, syrup, sugar, honey can increase child hyperactivity. So also with and processed from rice flour and wheat flour.

Conversely, foods rich in complex carbohydrates such as oranges, apples, kiwis, grapes and pears can be digested slowly so that the child is easily satisfied. Give at night so that children can sleep soundly.

Add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Do not forget to add intake of foods rich in omega-3 for brain development of the child's brain. You can get it from tuna, salmon, olive oil or omega-3 supplement.

Avoid foods that contain preservatives

Finally, avoid foods that contain additives, artificial coloring, MSG and perisa because it can improve symptoms of child hyperactivity.
ADHD can not be cured, but it can be controlled with proper medication and food intake. Therefore, apply a special diet by watching your child's intake from now on.

ADHD or Hyperactive


ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is better known as hyperactivity. ADHD is a developmental disorder in the increase of motor activity of children that can last until adulthood. This condition causes the sufferer to tend to hyperactive, impulsive, and difficult to focus attention.

Some of the complications that can occur in ADHD sufferers are learning disruptions that interfere with academic achievement, increased incidence of accidents such as head trauma or fractures, low self-esteem, difficulty interacting with others, and prone to consume drugs or alcohol.


To date, no single examination can diagnose ADHD. In general, to diagnose ADHD, a person should have symptoms that last more than six months. The symptoms should also appear in different situations.

Usually the doctor will diagnose ADHD according to the guidelines of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. The doctor will also perform vision and hearing checks. An additional check that might be done is electroencephalograph.

If ADHD occurs in adults, then the doctor should explore history as a child and adolescent. In addition, doctors should also interview the couple's wife or husband, and perform nuerologis examination.


Symptoms of ADHD may vary from mild to severe. Symptoms of ADHD that can already be seen since the baby's age are:

• Sensitive to sound and light
• Often crying
• Likes screaming
• Difficulty sleeping
• Difficult to consume breast milk
• Displeased when picked up

Meanwhile, the symptoms seen in older children are:

• Always move or on
• Easily bored
• Looks awkward
• Frequent accidents, such as falling or bumping
• More noise than other children
• Lack of concentration
• Easy to get angry
• Bad appetite
• Eye and hand coordination is not good
• Likes to hurt yourself
• Have trouble sleeping


Generally ADHD is difficult to cure. The thing you can do is reduce the symptoms so that the condition is not a problem in everyday life.

If symptoms are recurring, do not panic and easily emotional. Immediately take your child to the doctor for consultation. Remember, patient behavior in handling children is the key to avoiding undesirable risk.

Here are the important things to do if you have a child with ADHD:

• Provide nutritious foods
• Encourage the child to communicate and tell stories
• Plan a child's day with quality activities
• Balance the rest and physical activity of the child.
• Give the child a clear instruction when you ask him to do something
• Keep sharps and fragile objects out of the reach of a child

If you are suffering from ADHD, apply the following:

• Create a daily plan and try to always implement the plan
• Do regular exercise
• Find ways to be more relaxed
• Regularly control your doctor
• If you have a job, discuss your condition with your boss and colleagues

In addition to these ways, there are several therapies that can also be done patients, namely:

Drug therapy. The drugs usually given are methylphenidate, dexamfetamine, lisdexamfetamine, and atomoxetine.
Nutritional therapy and diet. People with ADHD should adopt a highly nutritious and balanced diet. Avoid consuming foods that contain preservatives or artificial coloring.
Supplement. Some studies show that omega-3s and omega-6s can benefit ADHD sufferers.
Other therapy. Other therapies that can be done are psychoeducation, behavioral therapy, social therapy, to cognitive behavioral therapy.

To prevent ADHD, all you have to do is avoid the risk factors. Perform routine doctor checks while pregnant and eat high nutritious foods. Avoid foods that contain preservatives and artificial colors. Do not forget to exercise regularly and diligently consume water.

The cause of ADHD is not known with certainty. However, a number of studies reveal that ADHD can be caused by genetic or environmental or nongenetic disorders.

Here are some nongenetic factors that are believed to increase a person to suffer from ADHD:

• Mothers who smoke or consume alcohol while pregnant
• Mothers are exposed to toxic substances from the surrounding environment
• Premature birth
• Low birth weight.
• Abandoning children, child abuse
• Chemicals present in foods, such as food coloring
• Lack of early detection

Retinal Ablation Disease

Retinal detachment is a condition of retinal detachment from the underlying support tissue. This retinal detachment will lead to impaired retinal function.

Recognize Signs and Symptoms of Retinal Abdominal Disease

If abnormal retinal detachment is not treated, the greater your risk for experiencing permanent loss of vision in the affected eye.

The diagnosis of retinal detachment is determined by interviews and multiple examinations. The doctor will examine the inside of the eye with a device called an ophthalmoscope. The Ophthalmoscope will provide a detailed picture, allowing doctors to see retinal holes, tears, and so on.

In addition, there are also ultrasound imaging examinations. The doctor may use this test in case of bleeding in the eye.

Retinal detachment does not cause pain. However, signs and symptoms almost always appear before the disease occurs or enter the advanced level.

Signs that indicate that you are experiencing retinal ablation, include:
  • Emerging black spots floating in the field of vision
  • A flash of light appeared on one or both eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • There was a kind of curtain that covered part of the eye

The most severe conditions that can be experienced by patients with retinal detachment are loss of vision or blindness.

If the retina is torn but has not detached, then retinal detachment can be prevented by the action of a laser beam. The use of lasers can create a burning effect on the retinal tear, so that scars and torn retinas may be attached to the underlying tissue.

In rare cases, when the laser can not be used, it can be cryoped instead. Coopection is the act of administering a cold temperature with an ice needle to attach the retina to the underlying tissue.

Meanwhile, if the retina is released then the patient needs surgery. Some of these types of surgery are:

Scleral buckling

Sewing of silicone rubber on the outside of white eyes (sclera). This silicone rubber will make the retina stick again in the eye wall.


Surgery to remove the vitreous from the inside of the eyeball.

Pneumatic retinopection

Injection of gas into the eye, so that bubbles form which will then close the tear ducts. The bubbles will be absorbed and allow the retina to tear to reattach.

The main causes of retinal detachment are:

  • The shriveled Vitreus. This vitamin is a clear viscous fluid that fills the inside of the eye
  • Diabetes
  • Injury or inflammation

The risk of retinal ablation will increase if you:

  • Aged over 50 years
  • Never had a previous retinal detachment
  • Have a family member with a retinal detachment
  • Suffering from nearsightedness (myopia)
  • Ever had an eye injury
  • Have had other eye diseases or inflammation

Recognize Signs and Symptoms of Retinal Abdominal Disease

Many people have not known the symptoms of retinal detachment, even what is a retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is a condition in which the sensory retinal part is detached from its pigment epithelium (RIDE). This condition is a disorder or an eye disorder that is very dangerous even though more experienced by people who are elderly. The risk of people suffering from retinal ablation disease will be greater in people with myopic disorders or myopia disorders and people who have a history of retinal ablation disease.

Symptoms of Ablative Disease
The disease is divided into two types, namely retinal traction ablation and exclusively retinal detachment. Both types of disease are usually derived from other diseases that have spread into the eye area. Therefore if you have a disease should consult with your doctor immediately. Because if left unchecked can interfere with eyesight. The following are signs and symptoms of retinal detachment.

One of the signs and symptoms experienced by people with retinal detachment will typically experience floaters vision. Floaters is a state where at the moment of seeing there will be objects that hover. This is due to the incidence of vitreous memberuhnya part due to the entry of blood into the viterus. The patient will also experience double vision (the object seen into the shadow of two) as the person affected by minus.

Patients with retinal detachment will also experience photopsia or light flash. This condition is marked by a slight flicker but it will be like seeing a flash of light in front of the eye. This flicker can be very disturbing that makes the vision of patients with retinal detachment to be glare and shocked without any obvious cause.

Signs or symptoms Photopsia can also occur in someone who is sleep deprived or exhausted. Because tired eyes will often see flashes of light or black shadows. Therefore, to keep the eyes healthy is not expected to stay too often stay up because the effect is very bad.

Eyes Like Closed Curtains
The symptoms of this retinal ablation disease are also marked by the closed eye condition as the curtain, the longer the wider. Vision in this state decreases dramatically so it is very disturbing view. This condition will get worse if more and more part of retina covered eye like closed curtain.

Parabolic Appearance
Signs and symptoms of retino ablatio disease hereinafter is a condition wherein the eye of the patient there will be a circle like a parabola covering the eye. This parabola is similar to cataract patients in the eyes there is a white color covering the black eye.

If you experience signs and symptoms of an abdominal retina ablation disease as described above, then immediately consult a physician. Early examination is recommended to be done to get the right treatment. So the retinal ablation disease does not get worse.